Contract number and date
No. 527 dated January 20, 2021
Contract time
Contract term: 3 years with automatic renewal for the same period.
Participants of the insurance pool:
JSC "Insurance Company Basel" (Basel)
JSC "Industrial Development Fund"
JSC "Insurance Company Khalyk"
JSC "Insurance Company Victoria"
Insurance Company Kazakhmys
JSC "Sinoasia B&R Insurance Company" (Sinoasia B&R)
Organization leading in the insurance (reinsurance) pool activity:
JSC "Industrial Development Fund"
Classes (types) of insurance and list of insured risks:
Property damage insurance;
Automobile insurance;
Railway transport insurance;
For each class of insurance agreed upon between the participants and the Industrial Development Fund, a separate agreement is envisaged with the division of risks among the participants, which are regulated by the corresponding Insurance Rules.